Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Amariya Chanti Bailey

When I got pregnant with Amariya it was a surprise. But regardless her father and I were very happy. I was a bit nervous being I had only one other kid and it was 6 years prior. I was close to the end of my pregnancy when my doctor decided to strip my membrames. It did nothing, I went back again on Dec 29th and he stripped them again, my due date was January 3rd, 2003. So I get home and it is raining, I go to the store to get water and I am wearing flip flops, I slip and fall right on my knee, it hurt! I get home and at around 2:30pm the contractions start! by 10pm I am in EXTREME PAIN. I get to Kaiser and they check me, I am dialated at 3 so they send me home. I am mad but go home, I am still hurting and getting contractions about 2 minutes apart. I get in the hot bath while my husband goes back to bed, I cannot handle and tell him I am going back and I will call him if I need him to come. I get back to Kaiser barely walking, I mean I had to stop and pull over they were so bad. They check me and I am at 5 so they keep me. My husband shows up as they are "trying" to give me an epidural. Notice I say TRY, yes the epidural did not work so I was in for a huge amount of pain! It felt like hours of agony but finally at around 4:06am I push my angel out. As soon as she slid out the pain stopped. She was so cute, once again I was in love with yet anther miracle. Her name means Gift from God in swahili and that she was.

Amariya is now going to be 4 on December 30th. She is my love bug. So cuddly and loving and always tells us she loves us. She truly is a wonderful soul. She also can be a little OCD we call it. She is very picky about things and insists on having the same stuff over and over again!

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